Saturday, June 19, 2010

June 12, 2010

This past week I have been involved more than usual with all things soy. It started off my teaching the women from San Francisco (the next little community over) how to make bread and cookies with soy. This was in preparation for the great giveaway on June 9th by the organization that donated the soy processing machines. Over the next 3 days the ladies in my Mother’s Committee baked bread, cookies, empanadas, pudding, croquettes, and Pelotas---all with soy of course! The bread and cookies were stored in my house to keep hungry children at bay. My house smelled delicious. All the food was a huge hit at the final ceremony were 250 frazadas (blankets) were given to the poorest families of 7 communities. Tio Tom is the organization as we know it, but it is under the Taiwanese organization Buddha’s Light International. They had a camera there so I just might end up on TV in Taiwan. The best part about the day was when one of the women that I had taught how to bake bread came up to me all smiles and handed me a plate with the soy bread they had made using my recipe. She was so proud and it tasted delicious!

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